The discussion regarding the ethics and conflict of interest policy came after an original suggestion that the board adopt it as a town ordinance which would require approval at a Town Meeting. The board on the other hand could accept it as a policy and board member Mike Marshall will provide the board with samples from several other towns for review.

The Main Street traffic issues discussion included the fact that before changes could be made a traffic survey would have to be performed. The Central Vermont Regional Planning Commission informed Duxbury that they would conduct a traffic survey of the Main Street area and would like to appear at the May meeting to discuss what options are feasible for the town.

At the same meeting, Steve Manosh, road foreman, gave a report on town roads: The road crew has been busy fixing washouts and repairing guardrails. Prices for sand will be solicited and reviewed at the May meeting. An analysis of the heating cost for the Town Garage shows that this winter the town has used 500 gallons more than the previous year. The cost per gallon has also risen from an average of $2.80/gallon last year to $3.65/gallon this year. Contributing to the increased use is the colder winter this year as compared to last year.

In other actions, the board heard that the Duxbury Historical Society is planning on holding an Open House on June 11 from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. in the meeting room attached to the Town Garage. The board approved a request to use a portion of the garage if there was inclement weather.

Trevor Cole was introduced as the recommended candidate to fill a vacancy on the planning commission and later in the meeting was approved by the board. In similar action, John Santamore was selected to fill the constable vacancy until the next annual Town Meeting.

The town health officer had delivered a warrant to a property owner on Crossett Hill Road whose septic system is not in compliance. The board will wait to see what action is taken in hiring an engineering consultant to rectify the situation.
