Firefolks Arts Poetry

The housing crisis was the topic of a free poetry workshop hosted by Firefolk Arts in Waitsfield on Saturday, February 1. Participants reflected on housing issues and notions of home through a series of writing prompts, facilitated by Harwood Union High School sophomore Harmony B. Devoe, Warren.






The workshop was supported by Sundog Poetry and Urban Word’s National Youth Poet Laureate Program, for which Devoe was a winner last year. 

One writing prompt was to create a “found poem,” which draws from and reassembles existing texts like newspaper articles and speeches – “the literary equivalent of a collage,” according to the Academy of American Poets. 

Participants used an opinion piece published to the website of the ACLU last summer, titled “The U.S. Supreme Court and Vermont’s Homelessness Crisis.” The authors critique the Supreme Court for allowing municipalities to arrest and ticket unhoused people for sleeping outside, even when adequate shelter or housing is unavailable. 

State representative Dara Torre, Moretown, created and shared this poem based on the op-ed at Saturday’s workshop: 

On any given night

This crisis comes

Sleeping outside

1,000 children and senior citizens stay awake 

Or be arrested

An impossible choice

Many others shared pieces of writing at the workshop. Here is one from Devoe:

“Tabula Rasa” By Harmony Devoe: 

I stand for the kids.

Whoever is hurting

The most children;

I will not

Be on their side

Their lives



As the rubble

Covers their homes

As we pull

The triggers


Hurting children

Is unjust.

If Locke

Was right

If everyone

Is born

A blank slate

A chalkboard

Waiting for a teacher’s scribbles


Every child

Is innocent

Every child

Is innocent. 

No child deserves to die

No child is born

With the urge to kill

The aspiration

To assassinate

The only thing

That turns a child to evil

Is society

The society of 


Of politicians 

Of insensitive people

Who allow

More money to be spent on weapons

To kill children

Than feeding

Or housing

The children.

I stand

With the kids


I am one

And if I ignore 

What is happening

To the other kids

If I turn around 

Because I think

It doesn’t impact me

I would be just as awful

And repulsive

As the adults

Who allow all this

For business

What if

I was that kid

Under rubble

With bullets

In my chest

A bomb

In my home?

No child 


To be homeless

To lose their family

To be fed not food, but lies

To die.