"A preliminary count shows that by November 1, the department had
received reports of 482 moose being taken with 765 hunting permits
issued for the 2010 season," said Cedric Alexander, Vermont's moose
project leader. "Hunting weather was very good overall and likely
contributed to good success with 63 percent of the hunters taking a
moose. I expect more moose reports will come in from other reporting
agents when they send in their deer season reports."
"Vermont's moose population is being managed scientifically, according
to a plan developed on sound wildlife biology and input from the
public," said Alexander. "We are pleased that licensed hunters achieved
moose harvests very close to our predictions for most Wildlife
Management Units."
This was Vermont's 18th moose hunting season in modern times, the first
occurring in 1993 when 30 permits were issued and 25 moose were taken by
The Vermont Fish and Wildlife Department reports that 9,368 residents
and 2,660 nonresidents entered Vermont's 2010 moose permit lottery. A
final report on Vermont's moose hunting season will be issued in January
when all of the 2010 data has been received and reviewed.