Over 50 attendees participated in the first open house event as part of developing a master plan for Irasville Village. The event held on November 18, at the Village Meeting House, included remarks from the Waitsfield Planning Commission, Select Board, and the Mad River Valley Planning District. But more input is needed.
At the November 18, 2024, event consultants from SE Group queried attendees about the future of Irasville, but would like more information.
The project team would like to hear from all residents, including those who were not able to attend the open house. Residents who did not attend the event are encouraged to review the November 18, 2024,Open House Recap posted on the project web page and fill out the comment forms provided on the page. The event recap and comment forms are available at the following link: https://storymaps.arcgis.com/collections/af47fecd1e3646a8ada69138fab98b18?item=1.
At the November 18, 2024, hearing SE Group staff presented their work to date and asked attendees for their thoughts on the draft goals and objectives for future development in Irasville, with topics ranging from housing to commercial development to natural resources. Results from public input stations are posted on the project web page, which is accessed through the town of Waitsfield website: https://www.waitsfieldvt.gov/departments/projects/irasville-village-master-plan (click “Project Details”). A video recording of the meeting remarks and presentation is also posted on the Mad River Valley TV YouTube channel (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=15R5DBupw04) starting at 20:00.
The following are the main themes from the public input received at the event:
- Attendees were both excited and concerned about the future of Irasville. The recent loss of businesses and community services Irasville was top of mind for many participants. At the same time, many expressed that Irasville holds great potential as a vibrant village center for Waitsfield and the Mad River Valley.
- Attendees were supportive of an infill development approach for future redevelopment in Irasville, with a focus on housing and mixed-use development.
- Attendees were supportive of a balanced approach to wetlands in Irasville that preserves critical wetland functions while considering possible impacts to low-functioning wetlands if those impacts result in significant community benefit.
- Attendees were supportive of exploring potential transportation infrastructure improvements to enhance and facilitate walkable development in Irasville, such as improved pedestrian connections and possible new roadways to create village blocks.
- Attendees want this planning process to explore enhanced recreational and community facilities, such as a year-round recreation or community center, as well as preservation of existing community gathering spaces.
- Attendees were supportive of exploring a mix of building heights for future development, with a minimum building height of two stories.
The project team will use the feedback from this event and comment forms to inform the development of initial design concepts for future infill development and infrastructure in Irasville. There will be a second Open House event in winter 2025 where community members will be invited to provide feedback on design concepts.