Ann Cummings

Ann Cummings is seeking reelection to her seat at the State House as a member of the Senate representing Washington District.





“In January, half of the Vermont Senate will have served for one term or less. This new Senate will be asked to find a solution to unsustainable increases in education spending and the property tax, homelessness, the affordability crisis, flood recovery and prevention, the cost of health care, and climate change,” Cummings pointed out.

“To accomplish any of this will require new ideas and enthusiasm; it will also require experience, wisdom, and the ability to bring all sides together around a common solution. I am running for reelection, because, while I might not be as bouncy as I was when I started, I am open to new ideas, and I definitely have the experience and ability to bring people together around solutions everyone can live with,” she added.

“That is the essence of democracy. Everyone has the right to be heard and have their ideas treated respectfully. We can still do that in Vermont, but we must guard against the national discord creeping into our process. Age and experience have given me a broad perspective of the wants and needs of Vermonters. Over a decade of chairing a money committee has helped me appreciate that money is finite, and we must live within our means,” she said.

“There is no free anything and we must find equitable ways to pay for the programs we need. That doesn’t mean we can’t do anything. We just need to make sure that we don’t financially overburden working people when we try to help them. I believe in democracy, and I believe in Vermont. I hope the voters will allow me to continue to serve them in the Vermont Senate,” Cummings said.