Laurie Greenberg is resigning as Harwood co-principal

Laurie Greenberg resigned as co-principal of Harwood Union this week in an August 20 letter to the community.





Greenberg and Meg McDonough were named Harwood Union co-principals in February 2020.

“This summer has been a period of deep reflection for me regarding my future steps. As some of you know, my family has relocated to Utah. Initially, I intended to remain through the 2024/25 school year. However, as circumstances have evolved, I've realized the importance of being with my family. It is with great sadness that I have made the decision to resign as co-principal of Harwood, with my last day being October 10,” Greenberg wrote.

“This decision was not made lightly, as my commitment to this community and its students runs deep. Over the past 15 years, I have served in many roles — parent, teacher, board member, and friend. Harwood has been my home for so many years, and I cherish all that it offers its children. What an amazing place to learn and grow. I truly believe that education is a gift and a key to building strong communities,” she continued.

“My goal has always been to give back to this community, which is why I applied for the co-principalship five years ago. I wanted to help create a school where every student feels a sense of belonging and gains knowledge that inspires them. It has been an honor to work alongside you over the past four years,” she concluded.


Greenberg has been in education for almost two decades. She began her career as a middle school teacher in Marlboro, MA, and spent the next 10 years working in Vermont schools. Her experience ranges from teaching second to 10th grade, providing her with an understanding of the developmental needs of learners as they progress through their educational experience.

From 2017-2020 Greenberg was the assistant principal at Mount Abraham Union School in Bristol where she worked to develop the school’s multi-tiered support system and its effectiveness in improving student outcomes both academically and socially emotionally.  

Greenberg completed her B.A. in liberal arts and master of arts in education at Assumption College in Worcester, MA. She received her principal certification through Upper Valley Educators Institute.

Prior to the family moving to Utah, Greenberg and her husband and three children lived in Moretown.