The Duxbury Select Board and road crew are continuing to clean up and repair roads damaged during July flooding. The published schedule for repairs to Camel’s Hump Road had to be adjusted.  The repairs to the abutment on Bridge 41 originally scheduled to be finished last week will continue into next week. Higher water levels in Ridley Brook have contributed to a part of the delay. The contractor anticipates completion by the middle of the coming week. As part of the project, concrete blocks that were used to armor the abutments and were washed downstream after the storm in July, will be retrieved and replaced to protect the bridge.





There are a number of smaller repairs that need to be addressed along with retrieval of materials placed along the road.  

"We ask your patience as we will get to them,” town officials wrote in an email. 

Due to the weight restriction placed on the road because of the needed bridge repairs, the town could not start repairs to the slide on upper Camel’s Hump Road above Scrabble Hill Road. That project will require some heavy equipment along with the hauling of large stone to armor the slide area. The board hopes to start that work on Monday, August 26, 2024, and will notify everyone.




Damage to driveway culverts as a result of the July storm was discussed at the board’s last meeting on August 12. The town's policy states that installation, replacement and maintenance of these culverts are the responsibility of the property owners. Financial compensation is covered under the FEMA Individual Disaster Program. This process is between the property owners and FEMA. Currently, Vermont has requested a disaster declaration with the federal government and the board has been awaiting this. The board will monitor this and forward any information as soon as it is received.

The select board is currently reviewing the Curb Cut Policy and process to better define and facilitate the process.  Crystal Sherman has been coordinating this effort and the board hopes to approve it at the next meeting.

The board email notes that a member of the road crew was injured on the job and is currently scheduled for surgery later this month. The board will advertise for someone to fill this position in hopes of having a full staff before winter. Anyone interested or knowing someone interested, is asked to contact the town.