With COVID cases up in Vermont and beyond, Valley residents and visitors are reminded that free COVID tests are available throughout The Valley at town clerk’s offices, local libraries, and other venues. These are the tests that were procured and provided by the Mad River Valley Ambulance Service previously through a federal distribution program.





MRVAS will be making more tests available again this fall as needed and those testing should note that the FDA has extended the expiration dates for tests dated April 5, 2024 to October 5, 2024. 

Marge Bower, MRVAS health officer, said this week that with COVID cases on the rise, the same common-sense precautions should be followed by those with COVID or even colds or the flu.

  • Get tested and test every other day for five days while isolating if COVID is suspected.
  • Isolate and practice good self-care with rest, fluids and proper nutrition
  • Wear a mask indoors around others and stay away from the elderly and babies.
  • If COVID positive and immune-comprised/over 50, talk to a doctor about Paxlovid or another drug (needs to be started within five days of first symptoms).
  • Head to the doctor or ER with any difficulty breathing, keeping fluids down or confusion/delirium.