Winnie, a medium-size reddish-brown dog about 40 pounds has been missing in Moretown since about 8 p.m. on Saturday, July 13. Her humans are Brian and Teri Maher. While much smaller than a Rhodesian Ridgeback, she resembles one according to Brian Maher. She is a year and a half old and very skinny with every rib visible. She is half-pointer, he said.





She was last seen in the Moretown Town Forest, by the South Hill entrance. She is wearing an orange collar without tags. Anyone spotting her is asked not to call or chase her, but rather call her humans at 802-595-4626.

On Tuesday, July 16, Brian Maher said they’d been working with Sue Wear, a notable Vermont dog rescuer/recovery expert who had loaned them game cams to place where Winnie ran off and in other strategic locations.