Dara Torre is seeking reelection.

Dara Torre, D-Moretown, is seeking reelection to represent Duxbury, Waitsfield, Warren, Moretown and Fayston in the Vermont House.





“It’s been a challenging and rewarding two years of service as one of your two Washington-2 district state representatives, and I’m deeply grateful for the support and insights I’ve received from community members and colleagues, and for the chance to serve alongside outgoing representative Kari Dolan. Her leadership in the House, particularly with regard to flood resilience and the effort to restrict toxic chemicals in our landfill, will have a positive impact for years to come. I look forward to the months ahead on the campaign trail, where I will seek to connect with as many of you as possible to discuss top-priority issues and the challenges our communities are facing,” Torre said.

She said that there’s a lot of on-the-job-learning that happens at the State House and that she hopes to continue to build on the experience and relationships she developed during her first term to address pressing and long-term needs in the state.




“With the unprecedented school funding crisis coming on the heels of repeat flood events, legislators scrambled this session to protect Vermonters in the face of limited federal support and declining state revenue post-pandemic,” she said.

Her website daratorrevt.com has a downloadable end-of-session report highlighting some of the bills passed this session (highlights will also appear in The Valley Reporter).

“We’ll need ongoing communication within our district to guide priorities for addressing the cost of living, housing availability, climate protection, public education funding, health access and more. There were important bills our community feels deeply about that didn't make it out of committee this session, including legislation relating to wildlife protection and support for outdoor recreation resources, that I'd like to help advance should I return to the House,” she added

People are invited to share priorities and concerns and hear from state representatives and senators at a community conversation on Friday, June 21, at 5 p.m. at the Village Meeting House in Waitsfield.

Reach Torre at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..