Scrag Mountain trailhead

The Waitsfield Conservation Commission is hosting a trail appreciation day at the Scrag Mountain Town Forest on Sunday, May 19, from 1 to 4 p.m. Organizers had hoped to hold this event last fall to coincide with the opening of the newly constructed trail on the Gateway parcel, but Mother Nature had other plans. All are welcome this spring instead as supporters celebrate the installation of the new 1-mile walking trail and the onset of less snowy weather.





"In mid-May, the leaves are beginning to emerge, and the ground hardens making for a great time to experience the forest. While the ground at higher elevations may remain somewhat wet in May, Scrag has several low elevation trails to explore that provide walkers and hikers with the opportunity to get out into the forest and off the gravel roads,” said Waitsfield Conservation Commissioner James Donaldson. 

Conservation Commission members will be present to answer questions about the new trail and plans for future trail improvements on higher elevations of the Scrag Mountain Town Forest. 

"Please come out to experience the forest on May 19 and learn about plans for future trail improvements and volunteer stewardship opportunities,” Donaldson added.