Directed by Shannon Pitonyak, the 17-member cast comes from all over
Central Vermont: Marissa Achee (Rochester), Tom Badowski, (Moretown),
Haley Behn (Warren), Robert Brody (Stowe), Joyce Crabtree (Warren),
Robert Graham (Warren), Josie Kennedy (Plainfield), Emma Kessler
(Fayston), Andra Kisler (Northfield), Ella Pitonyak (Barre), Will
Roberts (Plainfield), Emily Rondeau (Waterbury), Marie Schmukal
(Warren), Harry Shepard (Waterbury), Ryan "Rooster" Towle (East Calais),
Jasmine White (East Calais) and Viv White (East Calais).
Costumers include Mike Paquette, Janet Ellison and Marie Schmukal. Stage
manager Patten Harvey is joined by set designer Karl Klein and lighting
operator Jon Sanborn to complete the play.
Curtain is 7 p.m. on May 14, 15, 21 and 22 and 2 p.m. on May 15, 22 and
23. Tickets are available at the door or in advance at the Mad River
Valley Chamber of Commerce or by calling 583-1674 to reserve by credit
card. For more information and directions visit