Mad River Valley State Representative Kari Dolan.

By Kari Dolan, D-Waitsfield

It is an honor to have another opportunity to represent Duxbury, Fayston, Moretown, Waitsfield and Warren in the Vermont House of Representatives. I am grateful to have been alongside Rep. Maxine Grad for the past four years, and I thank Maxine for her over two decades of work that benefitted our communities and Vermonters statewide. I now very much look forward to collaborating with our new state representative for our district, Dara Torre, D-Moretown, on issues that are important to our communities.


The state Legislature convened on January 4 for year one of the 2023-2024 Legislative Biennium (the term that refers to the two-year legislative session for passing legislation.) I am thrilled to be assigned to the House Appropriations Committee – the committee that examines, hears testimony on, and approves the state’s budget. This committee meets five days per week and into the evening hours, so I am getting ready for some long days ahead. It is important to note that the Vermont Legislature always passes a balanced budget, even though we do not have a statutory requirement to do so.

I plan to continue participating in a number of issue-based working groups called caucuses. These caucuses help me to focus on issues that are important to our region, including the Rural Economic Development Working Group (which now includes a focus on tourism and our recreation-based economy), the Older Vermonters’ Caucus, Social Justice Caucus, and the Climate Solutions Caucus; my role in the latter caucus is to continue to focus on flood resiliency needs of our communities.

I will pull together information on the Legislature’s activities in future reports. In the meantime, here are some helpful state resources:

Please do not hesitate to reach out to me and let me know what is on your mind: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. You can also watch legislative meetings:, and for legislative announcements, visit: