Duxbury received $390,098 in American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) funds intended for COVID-19 economic recovery.
According to select board chair Mari Pratt, the town has received requests for use of ARPA funds from Waterbury Ambulance Service (WASI) to go toward their new facility. The select board committed $20,000 to that project. The other request came from CVFiber, "to help get fiber optics to some of our unserved/underserved residents. We have committed $20,000 to that. Both of them contacted the board to get on the agenda and attend a meeting to request funds. The funds we have not spent or committed may go to help the town's infrastructure," though that is not yet certain at this time.
Those interested in requesting ARPA funds from the town should get in touch with the select board and request to get on an agenda for a regular meeting. The Duxbury Select Board meets the second and fourth Mondays of the month at 6:30 p.m.