dogs playing

The Mad River Valley Dog Park Committee will begin fundraising efforts next month after receiving approval from the Warren Select Board to develop a dog park in several phases on town-owned land near Brooks Field.


That town approval is contingent upon receiving a zoning permit and successful fundraising efforts to secure a Better Places grant. The committee estimates Phase I of the project, the construction of the park, would cost approximately $30,000 (including a buffer) and is scheduled to be built next spring.

“The Mad River Valley Dog Park Committee would like to extend our thanks to The Valley Reporter, the Warren Select Board, the Mad River Valley Planning District, the Mad River Path, the Mad River Valley Recreation District and other groups and individuals for their support of building a dog park,” said Laura Arneson, rec district executive director.

“The park will serve the entire Mad River Valley and its visitors and help address some of the challenges of off-leash dogs. It will provide a place for both dogs and their people to socialize in a safe and fun environment.  Now that we have received approval for the site, we are working with the state’s Better Places grant program. If we reach 100% of our local fundraising goal within 60 days from the launch, Better Places will provide matching funds,” she explained.

Next month the dog park committee will launch a crowd-funding effort to raise the funds that would be eligible for a two-to-one match. The rec district will be a fundraising partner for Phase 1, allowing donations to be tax deductible.

“We believe the popularity of a dog park with residents and visitors will ultimately make our crowd-funding effort successful! Stay posted for plans and how you can help,” Arnesen said.

A local dog park was the second most requested item in a recent Mad River Valley well-being survey.