Overall Impacts

Clean up of all areas continues. This includes walkways, sidewalks and driveways.

Line striping will continue in Segment 2. 

Flaggers and pedestrian crossers will be present where activities are taking place. 


Segment 1.  Railroad bridge by Dac Rowe to Stowe Street

Gravel sidewalks and driveways will receive temporary pavement for the winter.

New street lighting will continue to be installed in the downtown core.  

Driveway, sidewalk and walkway clean up continues.

Lower Stowe Street – Soil samples will be collected near the WDEV and KC’s Bagel buildings on November 12.

Segment 2. Stowe Street to Park Street

Gravel sidewalks and driveways will receive temporary pavement for the winter.

Crews will be working on the concrete sidewalk at the Park Row intersection.

Line striping will be installed Thursday and Friday this week, weather permitting.

Driveway, sidewalk, and walkway cleanup continues.

New street lighting will continue to be installed.


Segments 3 and 4. Park Row to the end of the project  

  • No significant construction activities.

The schedule for the construction areas and paving is contingent on weather, equipment, supplies and a variety of circumstances. 

Contact: Barb Farr, 802-888-3810 or 802-244-4300, bfarr@waterburyvt.com

To see photos of the project, go to: https://waterburyworks.com/main-street-gallery