The Mad River Valley Food Shelf has partnered up with Free Wheelin' to offer food shelf deliveries to those who can’t come to the food shelf at scheduled hours. Call 802-496-8853 and leave a message with name, phone number and address. A volunteer will call within 24 hours to arrange delivery of a food shelf package. This is not a shopping service. Free Wheelin’ drivers will be delivering food from the food shelf. Food shelf volunteers urge those who are not feeling well to let Free Wheelin’ deliver the food.
For those who are able to come to the food shelf, the Mad River Valley Food Shelf is open Tuesdays from 9 a.m. to noon and Thursdays and Saturdays from 10 a.m. to noon. To keep volunteers and community members safe, people are asked to ring the bell at the back of Evergreen Place and a volunteer will bring a bag of groceries. There will also be some meat, bread and juice, as available. Only volunteers will be allowed downstairs in the food shelf as it is a small space and they are adhering to social distancing.
The food shelf and Free Wheelin’ are working with the Mad River Valley Emergency Response Management Team and volunteers throughout Warren, Waitsfield, Fayston and Moretown. With over 300 volunteers currently signed up, the team is creating and implementing safety protocol for the volunteer efforts.
The emergency response team points out that COVID-19 has a two- to14-day incubation period, spreads person to person and can live two to three days on surfaces.
Additionally, people are encouraged to do the following:
- Stay home and self-isolate.
- Keep a distance of at least 6 feet when with other people.
- Wash hands frequently, cough into the elbow, wipe down surfaces with disinfectant, including door handles and cellphone
For people who feel ill and those experiencing symptoms of COVID-19 (fever, cough, shortness of breath or flu-like symptoms:
- Call primary care provider.
- MRV Health Center, 802-496-3838.
- Do not go to the hospital unless seriously ill or for difficulty breathing.
Look for MRV Emergency Response communication through the MRV Emergency Response page on Facebook, The Valley Reporter,, MRVTV and MRV Emergency Response Front Porch Forum messages.
Those in need of help or services, call the numbers below:
- MRV Food Shelf, 802-496-8853.
- MRV Community Fund, 802-496-3638.
- Mental Health Services: Hannah’s House, 802-496-9715.
- General info assistance: 211.
Updated information on COVID-19 in Vermont can be found at