These are my qualifications to be town clerk:
1. I have worked in the Town Clerk's Office for the past 15 months as
assistant clerk/treasurer and I know the job well enough that I will be able to begin work the morning after Town Meeting Day. There will be no downtime for me to be trained. The business of Moretown will go on with no interruption of service.
2. Due to Susan Goodyear's illness I have had experiences and responsibilities that the average assistant would not have had such as being fully responsible for day-to-day operation of the office. In addition I have been the presiding officer at two elections in the past year, experience that will prove very important in this presidential election year.
3. My life experiences have given me the opportunity to work with people of all ages and to develop excellent written and verbal communication skills. I have had years of functioning as a leader and am very comfortable in that role. My strong work ethic, sense of humor, ability to multi-task and well-developed organizational skills helped me to work efficiently and effectively, in particular as a classroom teacher, and will serve me well as town clerk.
Goals for the Future:
I enjoy, and value highly, the work of the town clerk, the two most important aspects of which I consider to be record keeping and elections. As assistant clerk/treasurer I have often spent a lot of my time working on tasks associated with the treasurer side of the job. I am very excited at the prospect of being only the clerk, and giving that position the full attention it deserves. I'm looking forward to using the skills I developed as a classroom teacher to run the clerk's office as efficiently and effectively as possible.
I am also looking forward to making the clerk's services as accessible to the town as I can. I have already started to do this in several ways: e.g., I invited the MES first and second graders into the office for a tour during their study of the history of Moretown. I set up a table in the MES lobby to make clerk services, including dog licenses, absentee voter requests and landfill permits, more convenient. I am interested in feedback from the citizens of Moretown to find other ways to bring services to the town.
I have lots of other ideas including the possibility of writing a column for the paper to keep the town informed of what's going on in the clerk's office. Any interest Valley Reporter? I am also interested in making increased use of the internet.
I have gotten to know many of you as I have worked in the office over the past 15 months and I look forward to continuing to serve you in the future.