Voters in Moretown attend Town Meeting

At the Moretown Town Meeting on Tuesday, March 5, town residents heard from the town’s Harwood Unified Union School District (HUUSD) Board member Gabe Gilman, who discussed the school budget, Harwood bond and future of Moretown Elementary School.

Gilman said that Moretown Elementary is a vibrant, thriving and welcoming school that serves as the center of the community. Gilman commented that it is very gratifying to see work being done there with students.

Community members asked about the looming Harwood Union bond and asked why the school board does not move locations to cater to the district from school to school rather than meeting at Harwood all the time.

Gilman said there should be more communication and that the board should present to entire communities and give them an opportunity to discuss it. He said that the majority of the board was irritated about the bond agenda item that appeared on a March 4 board agenda before this week’s elections of four new board members. Select board member John Hoogenboom recommended that, with the open space at Crossett Brook Middle School, instead of merging middle schools, have the administrative team move there from Mad River Park.

Town clerk and treasurer Cherilyn Brown was recognized with a Vermont League of Cities and Towns award for 11 years of dedication to the town.

Town members also heard a presentation from the Moretown Library board of trustees on the data collection they have been conducting for the past few months.

Moretown Library trustees presentation at Town Meeting

Town residents drilled down on budget line items, amending them as they went. The $150 allotted for the Boys and Girls Club fund and Youth Service Club was increased to $500. Community members felt that the youth are dependent on these services and need the support.

Article 19 for the town of Moretown to appropriate the sum of $3,700 to support the work of Central Vermont Home Health and Hospice was amended to the sum of $500.