Local roads will be closed in Warren and Waitsfield so that trick-or-treaters can safely visit homes and display their costumes. In Waitsfield, Old County Road will be closed on October 31 from 5 to 7 p.m., except for residents and their guests. Residents and guests are asked to try to arrive before 5 p.m. and to drive slowly. Parents and their trick-or-treaters are invited to park in the Waitsfield Telecom parking lot (not on the field) or at the Mad River Valley Health Center and hop a ride on Doug Kenyon’s wagon, which will take riders to the north end of Old County Road (or earlier on the road if riders wish) so that kids can trick-or-treat down the road, playing games at various houses, possibly stopping along the way for something hot to drink.

In Warren, roads will be closed from the covered bridge to the intersection of Main Street and Brook Road. Flat Iron Road, Brook Road to School Road and Lower Fuller Hill will be closed from 5 to 7:30 p.m. for the safety of trick-or-treaters. Warren is accepting donations of candy for the event which can be dropped offed at Warren Elementary School or the town office.