By Lisa Loomis

Vandals tipped over the port-o-let at the Lareau Swim Hole last week, requiring an emergency trip from Hartigan to right the port-o-let and clean it up. The town will be charged an extra fee for the weekend visit and the cleaning.

On Saturday, August 9, select board member Sal Spinosa, on his way to the transfer station, stopped and filled a 60-gallon trash bag with the garbage that was strewn around the site.

"On my way to the transfer station today I noticed the tipped toilet and, most troubling, the trash around it, as depicted. But the trash ... what a disgusting mess, replete with one dozen used diapers. I opted to clean the trash myself, filling a 60- gallon trash bag. (Thanks are due to the transfer station where I was allowed to unload my harvest without cost). I'm still washing my hands," Spinosa wrote in an email.

The select board discussed the issue at its August 11 meeting this week and decided to remove the trash receptables from the site and post signage noting the the Lareau Swim Hole is a "pack it in, pack it out" public site.

Town administrator Valerie Capels said that she had been getting complaints for a while about the trash. She said that she did not yet know how much the emergency visit from Hartigan had cost.
