This bridge was built in 1833. I'm almost certain the very first summer it saw, the bridge had jumpers. This is a summertime rite of passage, not to be taken away. A gathering place for the young and old. I can't recall one single grisly death or horrific injury caused by jumping off the bridge or any so-called shingle/car damage done to the bridge by jumpers. This is really a stretch.

More structural damage has been done by inattentive drivers trying to stuff their oversized vehicles through the opening. Mind you, this happens several times during the year. I will, however, agree, folks need to treat this bridge with respect. Pick up your trash, belongings, don't carve anything into the structure or deface it. Respect it. It is, after all, 178 years old!  

Lastly, to these so-called complainers (where have you been?), please try to find something more worthwhile to gripe about. Put your energy, time and effort towards resolving the over-assessed property/school tax system, the town robbing landowner's of their property rights and address the needs of the many struggling families in our community.

Take back Waitsfield
Take back Vermont
Take back the Bridge

Suzanne Coles
Property owner, taxpayer from Waitsfield and
mother of two sons who have enjoyed jumping off the bridge – unhurt.
