When we the people want a universal health care system, the Republicans call it socialism and they are right. Democracy and socialism are a better balance. It’s come to the point where the Republicans are trying to tell us that our road crews and teachers are not “us.” Our fellow working stiffs are to be considered “them,” those rich elites who make their money at our expense. The people in all three levels of government, who helped me through my wife’s dying and death, are, somehow, evil slackers, who couldn’t make it in the private sector.

Don’t get me wrong. I believe in a strong independent free market.  But that free market must serve our community, not rule it. And some things we need to do as a community. Right now ultra-rich corporations and individuals own the entire Republican Party and much of the Democratic Party. Almost all of Obama’s cabinet and advisors are multi-millionaire capitalists. The billionaire Koch brothers inspire and fund the Tea Party movement, which controls the agenda of the Republican Party. These people have taken government and used it to degrade the environment, destroy our once thriving middle class by “off-shoring” our jobs, and wrecked the economy. It is time to take back our government and our freedom.

It’s tough to try to take back our government from these entities when they’ve been so successful in buying it from us. But our freedom depends on taking it back from these people. Through our votes and through acts of nonviolent civil disobedience we must insist that we have certain rights. A few of these are:


·          A decent retirement (raise the maximum rate to $250,000).


·          Medical care for all (Medicare/Medicaid for all).


·          Living wages and the unions necessary to maintain them.


·          Women’s free access to abortion and other reproductive services.


·          Free education for all.

These are but a few of the freedoms we need to get back by taking our government from the corporations. Remember the Republicans will not help us in this. They want a capitalist oligarchy where the rich control us. It’s time to stand up and take control.


Robin Lehman

