Your premise that Vermont Universal Health Care is comparable to President Eisenhower’s highway project is missing a major detail. Eisenhower did not take control of the construction companies’ administration functions.  That is removing from the construction companies all payroll, accounting, HR functions and transferring them to federal employees. Health care companies now pay doctors and hospitals; soon it will be Vermont’s government.

Currently a company or individual in Vermont has multiple free market choices to handle their health care benefits and administration. The key for the Vermont Democrats is to demonize evil insurance companies as those who take too much money out of the process. Replace it with government, the ruse that government will do it more efficiently, all theory of course. 

Sadly, once this bureaucracy is in place, it will be impossible to remove, regardless of how much costs rise. You will pay and unionized government employees will tell you what you get.

Let’s avoid dueling with statistics from XYZ studies. Like many statistics you can get the result you are seeking. 

My original question stands for our local representatives. What are the projected savings and projected costs? I will guarantee savings won’t happen and costs will have a trajectory of a rocket and you will be helpless to choose anything different. Companies will leave this state and avoid it like the plague. Then we can all watch our taxes escalate annually. Are you ready to pay a 25 percent sales tax? 

A foundation to assist those without ability to pay and to grow accessibility will be much less costly and less controlling of our choices and much more effective. You can choose the foundation that earns your trust. The only problem with a foundation is you can’t guarantee the employees will be a powerful voting block, unlike unionized government employees! 

Choice, it’s a wonderful thing, don’t give it away!

Paul Shaw


