Headlights aren't only for us to see but for others to see us. There are folks out there whose vision isn't perfect, and even if it is, an oncoming vehicle with no lights may be difficult, sometimes nearly impossible, to see. An accident can result.

In downstate New York, where I lived for a few years, an elderly gentleman went out in the early morning to get his newspaper. He started to cross the road, similar to Route 100, stepped in front of an oncoming vehicle with no lights on, which he didn't see or hear.  He was killed.

In much of Europe, as in Sweden, it's the law. (Also in Sweden, as I recall, anyone driving with any alcohol on their breath, if stopped for some reason, can lose car and license on the spot, hence always a designated driver in a group who hasn't had one drop of alcohol.)

So, about the lights:  In rain, snow, fog, dawn or dusk, headlights-on is a must.

Judy Larson DiMario


