Today, March 9, at 8:30 a.m., you were so close to me on Route 100B leaving Moretown going towards Middlesex that I could not see your car's grill in my rearview mirror. Worse, when you finally passed (going downhill around a curve with cars coming towards us) you pulled into my lane before you had entirely cleared my vehicle! With the recent storm making the roads very narrow, you left both of us no escape route.

I have contacted the Vermont State Police and filed a complaint. If the readers of this letter to the editor are being harassed on the highways you can report it to the state police and a ticket can be issued. At the very least a trooper will contact the offending driver and speak with them regarding their unsafe driving.

Driving the posted speed limit may require you to leave home five minutes earlier, but you will save gas and help to save lives, too.

Thank you.

Michael Getzinger

Moretown, Vermont
