Both, my husband and I are his caregivers and as his health declines and he loses more and more independence, we find ourselves having to do more and more. While my father is not on the Choices for Care program, should he need those enhanced services in order to continue living with us, I would hope that the services would be there in a way that makes sense for him and for us as caregivers.

Several years ago, the state of Vermont joined in a first in the nation partnership with the federal government to shift the use of Medicaid funds from supporting eligible people in nursing homes to a system of community-based supports for people who choose to stay in their communities with their families. Choices for Care is a program that gathers together several streams of state-matched federal dollars, which then are used by eligible recipients and our local agencies, which then organize the activities of daily life that we all need, activities that the elderly and the developmentally disabled cannot do for themselves.

The focus is to provide supports for individuals to be able to lead an independent life, the same life that we all strive to achieve.

We are all aware that we are an aging state, and there will be more and more need for services for seniors as this population grows. I am aware that you are not on the House Appropriations Committee; however, as one of your many constituents, I wanted you to be aware of my opinion and to ask you to please voice this to those who do sit on this committee.


Susan S. Russell



