In addition to environmental concerns regarding runoff, gravel loss and dust, the situation exists where that section of road is nearly impassable during spring or any rain event (similar situation from the Plunkton Road side, so either egress can be impassable). What would our million-dollar home owners who pay upwards of $10,000 to $25,000 in annual property taxes say when they can't reach their home?

It is time to get past worrying about "changing the character of the area." We must support and improve the infrastructure of our town. Yes, people may drive faster on pavement; perhaps, we could ameliorate this by signage, dips, or changing the speed limit. The Vermont-y feeling can still be experienced on the Roxbury Gap Road which is paved in sections.

And what about the ability of fire and medical emergency vehicles to reach us when the road is impassable? That would be a tragedy that should have been avoided.

Truly, the greatest good for the greatest number of people would be served by paving the worst section of Fuller Hill Road. Our road crew does a fantastic job and we thank them for their skill and hard work. Let us trust them and listen to their evaluation and support of this project before we delay and lose the grant money.

John and Barbara Christiano
