It seems this is the season for being cut off in traffic and scoffing at holiday decorations and the idea of being in the spirit. I'll be honest with you, this has got me hot under the collar. It's time for change, and not the kind of change a certain overzealous politician promised. I am speaking about a change of mindset in the holiday season.

Let's use this season not as a time to be bitter and depressed but as a chance to smile and spread happiness and even goodwill. Whether it's holding the door for someone who just ran over your foot with a shopping cart or giving to someone that has less then you, every action counts. Because, no matter how much hardship you have had this year, someone else has it worse. 

We all have something to give, no matter how much money you have. If we all could do these simple gestures, the lights and decorations could have their meaning changed. Imagine a community that for just one month out of the year was happy.

I ask to you to think about a place where the lights and wreaths and trees represented a season of people caring for one another and helping out and smiling. To many this sounds elementary and even jaded, but to me that sounds like a place that truly has the holiday spirit.

Logan Cooke
