The photo of the old Tyroli Ski Inn that was the "Back in the Day" in the October 21, 2010, issue of <The Valley Reporter was of the Alpen Inn in October 1961. I used to love to watch the riders who were trying to play cowboy polo at the time. I wanted so to be on a horse riding with those other riders. But being 10 and no real riding skills, I would have been outclassed.
The photo shows , from left to right, John Macone, Ann Day, her sister Margo Macone, then Jack Murphy in his new riding boots, which were given to me years later, and Trodd Fortna on the grey horse as referee of the game. The modified polo-type mallet was not a rigged-up ski pole or regulation mallet but a blunt, round-like head on the end of the pole.
All those of us whose mindset still lingers in that time know how nice a place Alpen Inn was. One day you could be watching polo or see gliders and their pilots land their sailplanes in that same field. We had to keep our minds awake to what was going on around us. My mom, while watching the boys, was almost struck by one of the silent landing gliders.
Margo went on to remarry Phil Chase and to raise horses on their Shenandoah farm in Stanton, Virginia, until she passed away in August 2009. John, Margo and their two boys were like family members to us and my mom and to many others. There are fond memories of the old Alpen Inn of 50 years ago.

Gregory Viens
