I'd also like to address some concerns. While everyone seems to have felt the same affection for Jan Frazier and her message, as my wife, Judy, and I do, Michael Walsh's "crazy wisdom" made several attendees uncomfortable. It's remarkable how diverse reactions can be to one person. I made these choices, and I take responsibility for them, and I need your feedback in deciding how to proceed. Email can be harsh or misleading about feelings, so please call me at (802) 496-2027 or at the Tempest Bookshop, 496-2022 (Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday), if you'd like to talk. If anyone would like to continue the discussion "What Good is Awakening?" I guess I'm ready to sit in the chair. 

The website at www.aaawake.com has now been updated and I will continue to post further developments, so check in now and then.

Jim Dodds
