Benefits for the donor include saving on disposal fees by providing reusable furniture and other household items to low-income Vermonters (rather than disposing of them in the landfill or abandoning them with a free sign). Your donation is tax-deductible and receipts verifying your donation are provided.

In my view, having a place to put items out for free is a great opportunity for reuse, but the dilemma is when these items sit out for too long and get spoiled in the weather and the owner does not take responsibility. Nobody wants to see an eyesore of a soaking wet couch sitting on the side of the road in the rain when the day before the very same couch was in fair to good condition and could have been used by a family in need. I understand that for some folks transporting these items to Barre may be a challenge.
I would like to suggest that we as a community come up with a space to store reusable items and schedule a monthly or bi-weekly pick up from ReSOURCE. Or schedule dates that community members could bring items to a central location for pick-up. I work for ReSOURCE and could facilitate the pick-up.

With all the publicity recently going to alternative energy in The Valley and the big picture changes we are now facing with energy, I would like to send the reminder out that we keep sight of all things large and small that we as individuals can do to protect our environment. You can contact me at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

 Jesse Greig
