Wind is much more environmentally friendly then coal, nuclear or oil. This project will provide enough electricity for 12,000 Vermont homes. A wind farm will create significant revenue for our towns via a host town agreement. This revenue can be used to reduce taxes for working families.
Building the wind farm will create many good paying jobs (the kind that pay livable wages and provide benefits). Forty jobs will be created during construction, and five will be created when it is up and running. Wind (along with timber) is one of the few renewable resources we have here in Vermont.

If we don't want to consistently rely on low paying jobs in the tourist industry, we need to figure wind into the equation. In my opinion wind will not scare away tourists. Instead it will fit into their perception of Vermont as a green state. Even if I am wrong, since when did we start basing our town policies on what flatlanders would rather see us do?
Finally, it's wrong to use the bogyman of the noise before we have a study done on this issue. Let's get all the facts and then put it to the people at a Town Meeting Day vote. To shut this down before an actual proposal exists in writing, before all the impact studies are in, and before this is put to a vote of all the people is simply against Vermont's traditions of public debate and local democracy.
Dave Van Deusen, Moretown
and member of the Moretown Select Board
