We were hiking on a day trip from Cheshire towards Dalton over the summer and while resting on the Cobbles in Cheshire on the east side of the valley, we could see the tops of the turbines. To give you an idea of how far that is away, the turbines would be two valleys west of that position. The point here is that it will not just be the Mad River Valley that will have the eyesore.

I would bet the proposed turbines would be visible from Roxbury, Norwich and even parts of I-89. I think the Berkshire wind project is a good example of the impact on a rural area, plus 10 years in the making, and it's still not active yet; lawsuits and failed financing... for all of 6,000 homes to be powered.    Seems like a big project with very little return.

The other question I have is how will the Citizens Wind project get through the Public Service Board any faster than Equinox, which had a prior wind farm?  Equinox had a wind farm back in the late 1980s and it was taken down due to mechanical issues. Now it sits empty. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Equinox_Mountain#Wind_Power_on_Little_Equinox_Mountain

Nice article from Win, and I like your coverage of the project.

Doug Reid
(sometime resident of The Valley)
