Millions have lost their homes and animals and crops are destroyed, and the threat of starvation looms ahead for everyone. Although Amurtel does not have a team directly working in Pakistan, we are partnering with a women's grassroots organization called Behbud (Advancement) to bring food, clothes, medical care and potable water to the victims. The volunteers at Behbud have been working with women and children on the village level since the mid 1960s, with a similar style of community-based partnership. Currently we are raising funds to get desperately needed supplies to as many of the villages as possible.

If you would like to help, you can send your tax-deductible donation to Amurtel, and earmark it Pakistan Flood Relief, P.O. Box 232, Warren, VT 05674. If we all help a little, we will be able to help so many. Thanks so much.

Joni Zweig, president

Amurtel North America
