Many years ago, before Waitsfield entered into its agreement with the Washington County Sheriff's Department to provide coverage, the argument was made that above and beyond the writing of tickets, the presence of law enforcement would act as a deterrent to the breaking of traffic laws. By and large, this has happened. In my unscientific estimation, drivers are more observant of our traffic laws. Although traffic law violation is no longer the problem it was several years ago, crimes against property, particularly our community's businesses, have increased dramatically.

I believe our current law enforcement priorities are wrong. They are focused on a smaller problem, one that has largely been solved, while ignoring a much larger one. As a Waitsfield resident and taxpayer, I can no longer support the use of my tax dollars to pay for law enforcement that does not address our most pressing priorities. 

Many businesses in Waitsfield and The Valley are in a fragile state as it is. How many more burglaries will it take before our only drug store or some other small business closes its doors? There is little that a town can do directly in behalf of its businesses, but overnight patrolling would give an increased level of security to our business owners and an added measure of comfort to townspeople in general.

Governing is about making choices, and choosing to use our modest law enforcement budget for daylight traffic patrols when nighttime property crimes are being routinely committed, as a direct result of the lack of a regular law enforcement presence, is nothing less than irresponsible. We do not need more public forums, more dialogue with law enforcement or a study committee. What is needed is for the Waitsfield Select Board to reset our law enforcement priorities, communicate those priorities to the Washington County Sheriff's Department and monitor their performance in addressing them.

Wayne Davies

cc: Susan Klein, Mad River Valley Chamber of Commerce.
