The recent successful capping of the well, and the media's current lack of focus on the Gulf, is all the more reason to keep the pressure on clean-up efforts there. As I write this letter this morning, Obama is vacationing with his family on the clean coastline of Maine and no doubt playing more golf.
In response to this unchecked disaster in the Gulf, I have, with a colleague, created the Facebook and internet initiative OBAMA CLEAN UP OUR GULF ( and on Facebook: OBAMA CLEAN UP OUR GULF. Twitter us at: We recently met with Senator Bernie Sanders' office here in Vermont; they are 100 percent behind our effort.
On our internet site and on our Facebook page, we provide contact information for our congressmen and the White House and are asking that on two specific dates everyone across the United States take to the phones and call their elected officials with two specific messages.
The first message, this week on July 20, was to demand that the administration take over, from BP, all clean-up operations in the Gulf (as per the Oil Pollution Act of 1990: Subsequent directives are designed to keep the administration on track and on task. The second directive, to be delivered on August 4, is to demand that the administration use supertankers to suck up the oil on the water. This was done successfully in the Arabian Gulf in 1993, wherein 85 percent of all the spilt oil was successfully recovered (
All of us go to Fourth of July parades and profess to love our country. If we really love our country, however, we will work, now, to save it. None of us can afford to sit on our hands anymore, while our precious wildlife is dying and our Gulf is suffocating from the greed and arrogance of BP and an equally arrogant and complacent White House.
Please visit us on Facebook and friend us and make the call and share the mandate.

Also, please feel free to conform this letter and pass it along to five friends, if you feel called to take this extra step.
At this point, silence is compliance. Please draw your own line in the sand with us. Please do all you can to help.
Anne Dillon
