All of these people I greatly like and trust and are, in every way that can be described, good and honorable and worthy of our highest regard.

Like what happens sometimes within families or between the best of friends, neighbors can have misunderstandings that lead to tension and conflict. Opinion can be substituted for fact, assumptions can go unchecked, and like the children's telephone game, repeated stories - without ill intent - can lose their context and nuance and become distorted.

I think the most constructive thing we can do now is to listen carefully to everyone's concerns, gather the facts and present a complete story to all.

Kingsbury Farm is a new venture for the Vermont Foodbank. Its intent and mission has always been to provide good farm fresh vegetables to people who experience food insecurity and to be a good neighbor. If some things could have been done better, the Foodbank is committed to both acknowledging any shortcomings and to act in ways that reflect its highest ideals.

The Vermont Foodbank is committed to a public meeting where everyone feels heard and that every legitimate question gets an honest and full answer. It is going to take a little time to gather the stories and facts. And, as is so with many things, patience and kindness are always welcome and helpful.

We will stay in touch. Thank you.

George Schenk
Founder American Flatbread
Member of the Vermont Foodbank
Board of Trustees
