Unlike winter, however, there are many other folks sharing our roads, especially motorcycles, bicycles, tourists, etc. It is almost impossible to see some of these road users at a few intersections I have been stopped at recently.

I contacted one business owner and she used the word “treacherous” to describe her entry onto Route 100. She stated that they were waiting for the state to mow. I urge any responsible persons not to wait for the state. Get out there with something and make your driveway/entrance safer for all of us. I would also urge any citizen to ask and see if they could assist. I have done this twice. Yes, I am a weirdo, but I am a safe and concerned weirdo. My friends and neighbors travel and bicycle on these roads. We are all responsible for each other’s wellbeing, not just the folks who drive the orange trucks.

I also notice that people seem to be giving the bikers a bit more room. The new law wants three to four feet of safe passage. This is terrific! See, we can watch out for each other, but every now and then, we need a law to increase our awareness a bit. Think Alcohol? Seatbelts? Texting?

Thanks for listening and watching out for each other; it’s really what makes the world go round.

John M. Lynch
