Also of note, that I am presently chairperson of the Board of Listers, for the second time, and wasn't notified of this meeting. How can the Warren administrator not find time, or the chairperson of the select board not think of it, or the lister who seems to have known and been there, not have the capacity to inform me?

Just a couple of notes to further address this article. Assessment year for the listers starts on April 1 and goes to March 31 of the following year. As work was started on the present Grand List back in 2009 and worked on by Priscilla Robinson, past lister, up until election day this past March, over 80 percent was complete and easy for the present board to finish up. The board would like to thank her for her work, making it easy to get out. The second thing I would like to address is that we received over 20 written grievances along with the five that appeared in person. This should be corrected.

Gary Bombard, chair
Warren Board of Listers
