Well, since last week I found a really easy way to make a difference. Instead of hauling away bags of rubble, take to the dump or put in the trash maybe just a bucketful of those tiny green, paired seeds, (several thousands, perhaps?). With someone, or oneself, holding a bucket or trash bag underneath, use one hand to gently strip off berries. With thumb and other fingers, start at base of twig and sweep to tip, squeezing hard enough to take off berries, and leaving lots of the leaves. It's easy, quick, and I guess I got about 1,000 berries in about 20 minutes! That's lots of ripening red berries avoided, and birds can't "plant" lots of next year's crop.
It's a great family/friends project and though there's a huge proliferation out there, every bit helps. Cutting it down? Wait 'til the fall and then brush over the stumps with weed-killer, recommended dilution. Not sure what it looks like? There's a piece in the Waitsfield Post Office, and you may recognize it in your backyard! Do help out our native species, forests. This is a serious matter, and thanks for anything we can do.
Judy Larson DiMario
