I am outraged that Hamas continues to hold a kidnapped Israeli soldier, Gilad Shalit, for four years without being condemned by the UN. That it runs summer camps in Gaza teaching children Jihad, martyrdom and military skills to kill Jews.

I am outraged at the UN hypocrisy in immediately condemning Israel without an investigation while ignoring completely North Korea's sinking a South Korean ship and the death of 46 sailors.

A state of war exists between Hamas and Israel and under international law Israel is entitled to take any action in self defense to protect its citizens against a group bent on its destruction.

Perhaps if rockets were raining down on Waitsfield from across our border with Canada, you would insist that our government blockade that belligerence.

You do not express any outrage for the deaths of Israeli citizens. Are they less significant than non Israelis? The Jewish people the world over know well what that implies. Never again.

Jack Lindner

P.S.The information cited herein appears in The Huffington Post and The Jerusalem Post.
