Fast forward to April of 2010, somewhere in the Gulf of Mexico, where the water is a mile deep. Because of errors in judgment by men under the direction of at least three corporations, 11 good men are dead, and we face the horror of one of the most devastating manmade ecological disasters in human history.

Now, when I was in civics class, I was taught that rights come with responsibilities. If British Petroleum, TransOcean and Halliburton enjoy the right of free speech, do they not, also, enjoy the responsibility for their actions?  Put succinctly, is anybody going to go to jail for the death of 11 innocent men and the destruction of the Gulf Coast ecosystem and economy?

If the corporate structure puts limits on the liability of corporate officers and directors, then the rights of these entities should be limited as well.

I was just thinking, you can't have it both ways.

Gary Crosby
