We're not sure where the seemingly huge numbers of panels in the middle of ag lands actually are. The only two we have seen, at Kingsbury Farm, were moved to the edge of the field a couple of weeks ago.  Even if they had been left in their original position, there would have been very little disruption to the use of the field for crops.

We should all be proud of forward-looking, Vermont's official attitude toward renewable energy systems. Our Valley, in particular, is moving to the forefront of a real surge toward sustainability. And that's a beautiful thing. We all can play a part, starting with the change in attitude that comes from educating ourselves. James Hansen's Storms of My Grandchildren is a good place to start. Dr. Hansen, our nation's leading climate scientist, is director of the NASA Goddard Institute for Space Studies.

Installations such as those at Kingsbury Farm, Yestermorrow and an increasing number of public buildings and private homes are to be applauded and replicated everywhere if we are to have any small chance of  slowing the pace of global warming -- a real phenomenon, despite denier's protests to the contrary.

Let's see more of them!

Dotty Kyle and Eric Brattstrom
