It is an easy read and, if one were at a safe remove from the consequences of the described events, even entertaining. However, if this article is only 50 percent accurate -- even less -- there is no safe place in America. In that case, it is reporting what can only be judged as a crime, and the criminals include those who have allowed and are allowing it to happen and continue.

Accorded any degree of accuracy, this article raises the question of just who today's government represents. This economic circumstance was not an accident, not unavoidable, not the consequence of a few "bad apples." Rather, it is the net product of self-serving bad governance by politicians and a political system primarily concerned with keeping itself in power.

I would, therefore, like to know what you will do about the political and economic rape we are enduring. If you cannot tell me, I refuse to continue paying your salary with my vote.

Leo Cohen
