Elwin's attempt to run as a write-in is an insult to the electoral process, effectively depriving the voters of the open debate and discussion that frames a sincere and serious campaign. Anyone who was at the last Town Meeting will remember the verbal attack Charlie weathered from the same person now unofficially running against him and who also saw fit at the meeting to aggressively air his issues with the board on numerous topics. Elwin's input could have been constructive at the right time and place; instead he chose to attack when it was too late to do any good, clearly aiming to embarrass the volunteers who spend countless hours doing their best to support the town.

Charlie Hosford is one of the small group of people in the town who put in endless hours behind the scenes and outside of the meetings, contributing and serving without fanfare and with little thanks, following his heart with skill and determination toward making Waitsfield a better place. We need to support him in this election by checking the box next to his name on the ballot.

Bill Parker
