Assuming there is a need for another under-utilized park and ride, its design should be consistent with the area in which it is located. The EWS is in a rural residential zone and, under its conditional use permit, only limited non-residential activities are permitted at the EWS. This is not a commercial area. But the current park and ride proposal calls for creating a 21-space parking lot, painted with lines, paved with asphalt, and lit with Green Mountain Power mercury vapor lighting.

Our money is being spent on an unneeded park and ride in a location where that level of paving and lighting is inappropriate. As a taxpayer, I object to the town spending grant money on an unneeded project. This is not "free money." It's our tax money, even if it's called a grant.

As an abutter to the EWS, I object to the further commercialization of the area, the paving and its resultant toxic runoff, and to lighting that would significantly impact my property and my sleep. And as a citizen and property owner, I am very concerned that a project like this was designed and funded without getting input from the project's neighbors. I ask the Warren voters to vote yes on Article 14 to keep the parking lot gravel and limit lighting to low impact essential for safety.

Even if you believe another park and ride is needed, we can make it one that works for its neighbors, our environment and for commuters. We have a choice. Don't pave paradise.

Kate Burn

