Let's consider the nuclear waste that our children and generations beyond will need to "safeguard" for the next 10,000 years. For 30 years the U.S. government, the Nuclear Regulatory Commission, and various Vermont and U.S. energy companies have made proclamations and promises including the notion we will find a solution to nuclear waste disposal. Have we? No. Mostly lately it has boiled down to: Let's put it in Nevada. Can someone tell me why the sacred Yucca Mountain and the people of Nevada should be the repository of our nuclear waste?

Perhaps instead it is the very places that benefited from low property taxes for years that should reap the consequences. Vermont Yankee was a huge financial benefit to Vernon for many years, and now it is OUR problem, as Vermonters and U.S. taxpayers.

The sooner our legislators make the decision to close this failing and unsafe plant, the sooner we will develop safer and cleaner sources and, most importantly, conserve energy.

Virginia Farley
