This foodbank project is a disgusting waste of our money. State and federal grants are a part of it I would guess. That affects all of us, especially when the U.S. government is on the verge of collapse and the state government is in question.

And for what? Carrots, onions, potatoes and winter squash? None of which are big money crops. Let's be real. Not many people eat winter squash on a regular basis.

So these crops are going to make these 22 acres fund this project or is this just some yuppie pipe dream thought up by people who don't want to get their hands dirty and they wrote checks to make themselves feel like they are doing something for sustainable agriculture? Or is this touchy feely agriculture with no grasp of reality?

So, I want you to think about this the next time you go to a fundraiser where the Vermont Foodbank and Kingsbury Farm are the recipient of your hard-earned cash. Ask yourself a question: Is this like ADM or Cargill-subsidized farming with no return of investment? As a Warren resident and U.S. and Vermont taxpayer, this cash cow is one big joke.

The chosen candidates to run the farm are farmers/bakers. What happened to their last projects? Do they have the qualifications to run this subsidized farm? Just curious.

Am I disgusted? Yes. Am I alone in my thoughts? I don't think so.

Tim Seniff
