The select board and residents of Moretown have gone to great lengths to invite and provide input into this critical planning process. Why were we called to task for exercising our rights and making the planning process more transparent when this is an approach you have consistently advocated for over the years? The labeling by the editor of any one group as hijacking the process was inappropriate and histrionic and does not help build the community and transparency we all desire.

You also incorrectly stated our position with your statement that we were asking the select board to decide now to appeal if the Environmental Court rules in Rivers' favor. Your own reporter, who was at the meeting, correctly stated that our request was for prudent budget planning for a possible defense against Rivers appealing a decision he's not going to like. 

We thanked the select board for their past defense of the zoning and Town Plan and requested that they plan for the possible continuation of defending our voter-approved regulations. These zoning regulations exist for determining appropriate development through an exhaustive review process by the Development Review Board.

Defending these tenets is appropriate. Putting any specific development, or defense, to a popular vote via a special article sets a dangerous precedent that would make these voter-approved regulations moot. Instead, residents should discuss, change and vote on these regulations, not specific projects.

Fortunately public input into the planning process is alive and well in Moretown. Hopefully your December 17 editorial has not hijacked this process by discouraging this continued, very important, participation.

Ben and Denise Sanders
